Palatoglossal arch

Palatoglossal arch
The mouth cavity. The cheeks have been slit transversely and the tongue pulled forward. (Glossopalatine arch labeled at upper right.)
Latin arcus palatoglossus, arcus glossopalatinus
Gray's subject #243 1137

The palatoglossal arch (glossopalatine arch, anterior pillar of fauces) on either side runs downward, lateralward, and forward to the side of the base of the tongue, and is formed by the projection of the glossopalatine muscle with its covering mucous membrane. It is the anterior border of isthmus faucium and marks the border between the mouth and the pharynx.

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This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained within it may be outdated.